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VR Zone: One step ahead of the game.

VR Zone: One step ahead of the game.

Pierre Nowakowski creator of VR Zone, Australia’s leading VR distributors. VR Zone is an exclusive reseller of KAT VR products to the Australian Virtual Reality Enthusiast and novices alike, with a range of pricing and LAYBUY options available, owning your own virtual reality setup has never been more easy and accessible.

As the official reseller for a range of KAT VR Treadmills and accessories, HTC Vive Pro VR Headsets and the latest HP Reverb G2 VR headsets in Australia. VR-Zone has access to some of the most tech savvy networks and front-line technology. Much of the software, including the newest VR games and educational material is easily available for free or purchase from SteamVR, and combined with a HTC Vive Pro or HP Reverb Virtual Reality headset your immersive gaming adventure is in your lounge room.

As an Australian based company and growing up in a world where Donkey Kong was king, Pierre has worked hard to service all cities in Australia and New Zealand, bringing entertainment and technology to those that can benefit from it most. I caught up with Pierre for a chat, a game and a coffee and discussed all things gaming, tech and business and where Pierre sees opportunity for use and growth of this market. A highly intelligent and dynamic personality Pierre is bursting with energy when talking about what is obviously his passion. Animated and personable, Pierre discusses how he has secured the exclusive rights to sell the KATVR Omni directional treadmill in Australia, something he has passion for as he can see these being used in the future in classrooms and rehabilitation situations, where technology can really give back to the community.

Pierre is rather animated when talking about where VR technology is heading in the future

“Virtual Reality in the major Australian and New Zealand Cities, is starting to be used in Schools, imagine that, children in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland and Christchurch, to outback Australia, Darwin, all over, experiencing the Pyramids first-hand, walking through the Louvre, touring the Grand Canyon. Imagine that! Something we could never experience as children is now an open door through the newest VR headsets, like Oculus Rift, HP Reverb and the Vive Pro”.

Clearly Pierre is passionate about the future and what it has to offer. His enthusiasm is catching, the future vision clear, Pierre sees this not just as a game but a tool for generations to come.

With a range of products and being an official reseller VR Zone is one step ahead of the game. Come check out the range of products on offer at or for a complimentary in store trials, contact sales@vr-zone.

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